2019 Event Schedule |
June 18 - Refinery Town-related workshops at conference of CWA Public Sector, Healthcare, and Higher Education employees Memphis Hilton, 939 Ridge Lake Boulevard, Memphis, TN.
June 21-22 - Presentation on Richmond Progressive Alliance at US-European Transatlantic Social Dialogue, European Trade Union Institute, Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 5, Brussels,
Oct. 18-20—Left Forum in Los Angeles, Occidental College. (Details to come.)
2018 Event Schedule |
February 18 - Speaking at Rally & March sponsored by Torrance Refinery Action Alliance, 10 to 11:30 AM, Columbia Park, W. 190th St. and Prairie Avenue, Torrance, CA. For more info, see: https://www.traasouthbay.com/
March 2 and 4, 2018 - Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT. (details of class presentations to be announced)
March 15-Book tabling at Social Justice Fair, Rossmoor Friends of Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Center, 1 to 5 PM, Fireside Room, in Rossmoor Gateway Complex. For directions, see https://rossmoor.com or call 925-942-0564
March 23--Ken Sanders Rare Books, 7 to 9 PM, 268 South 200 West, Salt Lake City, 84111 See: https://.kensandersbooks.com/vents.php
March 24 - Salt Lake City Forum: "Strategies for Social Change," SLC Library, 3 to 5 PM, 201 East 400 South sponsored by Democratic Socialists of America. For event details, see:https://www.facebook.com/slcdsa
March 27: Hinckley Forum, Institute of Politics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, 12:30 noon to 1:30 PM, Hinckley Caucus Room/110, Building 73. For more information, see https://www.hinckley.utah.edu/calendar
April 3-- Villanova University, Cultural Studies Program. For scheduling details,
see: https://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/artsci/culturalstudies/events.html
April 6-8 - Labor Notes Conference, Chicago, Illinois. (Book tabling and book & author event).
For schedule information and registration, see: http://labornotes.org/2018#regist
2017 Event Schedule |
January 14-16 - UPTE-CWA Education Conference: Marriott Hotel/Visalia Convention Center, 300 South Court, Visalia, California, 93291.
January 18 - Richmond Book Event: 7:00 to 8:30 P.M. Kaleidoscope Coffee, 109 Park Place, Point Richmond, 94801. (Co-sponsored by and fundraiser for Richmond Pulse.)
For details, see: https://www.facebook.com/KaleidoscopeCoffee
January 23 - Vermont Book Reading: 6:30 to 8:00 P.M., Phoenix Books, 191 Bank St., Burlington, Vermont, 05401. For details, see: https://www.phoenixbooks.biz/events
January 24 - Western Mass. Book Discussion in Greenfield Public Library, 402 Main St. Greenfield, Mass. 01301 Sponsored by Franklin County Continuing the Political Revolution.
January 25: Cambridge and Somerville, Mass. Events:
*Harvard Trade Union Program, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Mass. (https://www.law.harvard.edu/programs/lwp/index.html) |
*Strategy Session with Somerville, Mass. Activists.
4 to 6 P.M. at 3 Lester Terrace, Somerville, Mass. Hosted by Rand Wilson, |
*Porter Square Books, 7 to 8:30 P.M. Porter Square Books, 25 White St. Cambridge, Mass. 02140 For details, see: https://www.portersquarebooks.com/event/steve-early-refinery-town |
January Jan. 26 - James Connolly Forum: 7 to 9 P.M. Oakwood Community Center, 313 19th St., Troy, NY. For further details, see: https://www.facebook.com/James-Connolly-Forum-252985311407474/
Jan. 29 - Brooklyn, NY. Panel on “Socialists in The City,” 3 to 5 pm, Starr Bar, 214 Starr St., Brooklyn, NY. Co-sponsored by Working Families Party and NYC Democratic Socialist of America. With Nelini Stamp, WFP organizer.
Jan. 30 - Washington, DC Book Discussion: 6:30 to 8 P.M. Busboys & Poets, 2021 14th NW, Washington, DC, 20009. See: https://www.busboysandpoets.com/events/2016/11/1
Feb. 2 - Berkeley, CA. Book & Author Series event sponsored by KPFA: 7:30 P.M. First Congregational Church of Oakland, 2501 Harrison St, Oakland, CA. 94612. Communities for a Better Environment organizer and KPFA radio show host Andres Soto will facilitate the discussion with the author and Richmond city councilor and former mayor Gayle McLauglin. For details, see: https://kpfa.org/events/category/featured-event
Feb. 3 - Richmond Rotary Club, 12:30 P.M., Richmond Country Club, Richmond, CA.
Feb. 5 - Oakland, CA. House Party and Book Discussion sponsored by Oakland Justice Coalition. To RSVP, contact: marilynjoalbert@gmail.com
Feb. 8 - Marin County Book Event & Discussion: 7 to 8:30 P.M., Book Passage, 51 Tamal Vista Boulevard, Corte Madera, CA. 94925. Joined by Richmond city councilor Ben Choi and introduced by Norman Solomon, Roots Action and Marin Coalition for Grassroots Progress. For details, see: https://www.bookpassage.com/marin-events
February 12 - - Los Angeles Book Party and fundraiser, 2 to 4 P.M. to benefit Communities for a Better Environment. RSVP and get location information by emailing: lauren@losangelesforbernie.org
Feb. 24/25 - Mendocino, CA. Events - Friday, Feb. 24, 6:30 to 7:30 P.M. at Gallery Bookshop, 319 Kasten St. (corner of Kasten and Main St.), Mendocino Village, CA. 95460. Introduced by Cal Winslow, Mendocino Institute.
For details, see https://www.gallerybookshop.com/
On Sunday, Feb. 25, 7 P.M. dinner meeting and progressive strategy discussion with activists in Fort Bragg, CA. hosted by Cal Winslow and Faith Simon. For details, contact: cwinslow@mcn.org
February 28 - Oakland Public Library book discussion, 6:30 to 8 P. M., Piedmont Avenue Branch, 80 Echo Avenue, Oakland, CA. (For details, call: 510-597-5011)
March 4 - Sacramento Area forum, 1:30 to 3 P.M. with Richmond City Councilor Jovanka Beckles at CWA Local 9421, 2725 El Camino Avenue, Sacramento, CA. 95821. Co-sponsored by Labor Notes, Left Elect, NUHW and Wellstone Progressive Democrats. For more information, contact: pbrogan1@gmail.com
March 6 - Chicago Book Discussion: 6 P.M. at 57th Street Books, 1301 East 57th St. Chicago, Illinois, 60637.
For details, see: https://www.semcoop.com/event
March 7 - Minneapolis-St. Paul: Book Discussion at 7 P.M. East Side Freedom Library. 1101 Greenbriar Street, St. Paul, Minn., 55106. For details, see: https://eastsidefreedomlibrary.org/events/
March 14 - St Mary’s College, Moraga, CA. (Class presentation on “Theory and Practice of Social Justice Organizing.)
March 15 - Richmond, CA event at Atchison Village Mutual Homes Corporation, 7 P.M. AV Hall, Richmond, CA.
For details, see: https://www.atchisonvillage.org/events
March 16 - Friends of the Earth, book-related presentation to national executive board, Berkeley, CA.
March 19 - Portland, Oregon book event at First Unitarian Church, 1211 SW Main St., Portland, Time TBA. Co-sponsored by Alliance for Democracy and Economic Justice Action Group of First Unitarian Church. For details, contact: davidafd@ymail.com.
March 20 - Portland State University panel discussion. 7 P.M. Room location TBA. Sponsored by PSU adjuncts union and Oregon Working Families Party. For more information, contact:jameswrussell97@yahoo.comjameswrussell97@yahoo.com
March 21 - Seattle Forum on Progressive Cities: 7 P.M. Town Hall, 1117 8th Avenue, Seattle, WA. 98101. Book-related panel discussion with state AFL-CIO secretary-treasurer Lynn Dotson and fellow Beacon author Jonathan Rosenblum. For details, see: townhallseattle.org
March 30-Point Richmond Business Association, Book Presentation and Discussion, Noon to 1 P.M, Up and Under Pub, 2 West Richmond Ave., Richmond, CA.
April 6 - Half Moon Bay, CA.: 6 to 8 P.M. at Half Moon Bay Brewing Company, 390 Capistrano Road, Half Moon Bay, CA. 04019. Book discussion with Lenny Mendonca at “Brews and Views” event hosted by HMBBC. For details, see: https://www.hmbbrewingco.com/events/brews-views.html
April 21 - San Francisco, CA.: 1 to 3 P.M. Presentation at : "Environment and Our Health: What's the Connection?" educational conference for SF General nurses and other public health care workers, sponsored by SEIU Local 1021. At SEIU Local 1021 main office, 350 Rhode Island Avenue, San Francisco, CA. 94103.
April 23: Los Angeles Times Festival of Books: 10:30 AM to 12 Noon, Author panel entitled "Environment: Surviving the Future?" in Hancock Foundation Room, USC Campus. For registration information and directions, see: https://events.latimes.com/festivalofbooks/.
April 25: Rodeo, CA. Public Library: Book Signing and Talk from 6 to 7 P.M.,
220 Pacific Avenue, Rodeo, CA. 94572. Open to the public.
April 27: SF Progressive Democrats of America Forum: "Can Richmond be a model for progressive electoral activity in the Trump Era?" 7 P.M. at Unitarian Universalist Center, 1187 Franklin St. (Corner of Geary Blvd.), San Francisco. Richmond City Councilor Melvin Willis will participate in the discussion.
April 30--Sunflower Alliance: Book discussion at 1 to 3 P.M., 2540 Bobby Bowens Progressive Center, 2540 Macdonald Avenue, Richmond, CA.94809
May 1--University of San Diego/May Day Book Talk at 7 P.M. in Humanities Center, Serra Hall, USD, 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA. 92110
May 4 - Mendocino Book Company, 6 to 8 P.M. 102 South School St., Ukiah, CA. 95482
May 5 - Arcata, CA. Book discussion at 7 P.M., Northtown Books, 957 H Street., Arcata, CA. 95521 For more info, see: https://www.northtownbooks.com/ or call 707-822-2834
May 6 - Eureka, CA. events with North Coast People’s Alliance, 2 to 4 P.M. at Labor Temple, 840 E St., Eureka, CA. and from 6 to 8 P.M. at Synapsis Nova Gallery, in Old Town Eureka, at 212 G St. (Suite 102) as part of Arts Alive For more information, see:https://northcoastpeoplesalliance.org/
May 11: North Oakland Village: 11 AM to 2 P.M. at 25th and Harrison, Oakland. For details, contact Ruby Long at roobeedew@sbcglobal.net>
May 21--Vallejo, CA. Forum/Book Discussion, 4 to 5 P.M. at Artiszen Cultural Arts Center, 337 Georgia Street, Vallejo, 94590. For more information, see: https://artiszen.org/events-2/ or contact: peterlhandel@gmail.com
June 3-4 Left Forum, New York City. Book related panels both days--see schedule below-- and book signing.
Saturday June 3, 5:20. Room 1.91.Building the Greens into a Mass Based Party of the Left. Bruce Dixon – GA Green Party, Margaret Flowers – MD Green Party, Steve Early – Richmond Progressive Alliance, Howie Hawkins- NY Green Party https://www.leftforum.org/sessions/building-greens-mass-based-party-left
Sunday, June 4: Labor & Electoral Politics: What Does it Take for Union Members to Win?, 12-1:50 Room 1.117. Steve Early– RPA, DSA, NewsGuild/CWA, Solidarity, Nelini Stamp- Working Families Party, Isaac Grimm- Our Revolution; Rights and Democracy, Mike Parker– Richmond Progressive Alliance. Jessica Early- Vermont Progressive Party https://www.leftforum.org/sessions/labor-electoral-politics-what-does-it-take-union-members-win
Sunday, June 4, 3:40 PM Room *From Resistance to Running for Office: How Progressives Can Build Working Class Power at the State and Local Level. Sunday, L285. Steve Early – Richmond Progressive Alliance, Kelly Ballin – Socialist Alternative, Issac Grimm – Our Revolution, Nelini Stamp – Working Families Party, Jessica Early – Vermont Progressive Party, Howie Hawkins – NY Green Party.https://www.leftforum.org/sessions/resistance-running-office-how-progressives-can-build-working-class-power-state-local-leve
June 5 - Philadelphia DSA Forum: Refinery Town:Lessons from the Richmond Progressive Alliance. 6 to 8 PM, Calvary Church 801 South 48th St. Philadelphia, PA.19143. With PASNAP leader Mary Adamson. For details, see:https://m.facebook.com/events/
June 6 - Baltimore Bookstore Discussion, 7:30 to 9 P.M., Red Emma's 30 West North Ave., Baltimore, MD. See: https://www.redemmas.org
June 12: Saffron Strand Homeless Workforce Conference: Keynote speech at 12 noon, Richmond Memorial Auditorium, Richmond, CA. For more information, see www.saffronstrand.org
June 16: Benicia, CA: Public Library Book Talk, 7 to 8:30 P.M., 150 East L St., Benicia, CA. Co-sponsored by
June 24: Kaleidoscope Coffee:, 7 to 8 P.M. 109 Park Place, Point Richmond, CA. Book discussion with fellow Richmond author, Suzanne Gordon, sponsored by Cafe Society. For directions and further info, see: https://www.cafesociety.coffee/
July 6--Green Arcade Bookstore, 7 P.M. 1680 Market St., San Francisco, CA. 94102 with Richmond City Councilor and former mayor Gayle McLaughlin. For event details, see: https://www.thegreenarcade.com/index.html
July 13--Haas Institute Speaker Series: 5 to 7 P.M. Citizen Engagement Lab, 1330 Broadway, Third Floor, Oakland, CA. (near 12th St. BART stop in Oakland). For more information, see: https://haasinstitute.berkeley.edu/events
July 22: Ralph Nader's Winsted Book Festival. 2 P.M. talk, introduced by Ralph Nader, at Winsted Community Bookstore, 414 Main St., (Route 44) Winsted, CT. For full schedule of events in Winsted, CT, see:https://www.winstedbookfestival.com/
July 26--Syracuse, NY. Book discussion and fundraiser for local Green Party campaign. 6 PM at The Event Center, South Salina St. (corner of Brighton Ave.) Syracuse, NY. For further details, see:https://www.howiehawkins.org/
July 27-Austin, Texas. Book discussion with former Seattle City Councillor NIck Licata and members of Austin DSA, Our Revolution and others. See event details >>
July 28-29: Local Progress National Conference, Austin, Texas. For conference details, see: www.localprogress.org
July 30: San Antonio, Texas: Book Discussion with Richmond City Councilor Eduardo Martinez sponsored by San Antonio Progressive Alliance, Texas. Details TBA. See: https://m.facebook.com/SAProgress/
September 8- 9: Soil Not Oil Conference, Book-related talk at Richmond Municipal Auditorium, 403 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA. For more info on agenda and registration, see: https://soilnotoilcoalition.org/
October 4: Western States Petroleum Association Issues Conference, Panel on "Engaging Locally, Regionally, and Across the West," Monarch Beach Resort, Dana Point, California.
Nov. 19: Zinn Book Fair, Mission HIgh School, San Francisco. Refinery Town-related panel discussion. For scheduling details, see: https://howardzinnbookfair.com/
Steve Early • 747
Lobos Avenue, Richmond, CA 94801 • Cell: (617) 930-7327
/ Landline: (510) 260-0636 • lsupport@aol.com |